Fondation Hirondelle      +41 21 654 20 20

Support Us

With You, We act !

Every day, through our work, millions of people have access to media that speak to them and give them a voice, as close as possible to their most essential concerns and needs.

If the journalists from the media we develop or support can freely exercise their profession and give voice to the citizens of their country, it is thanks to the funding of public partners and the generosity of private donors.

To sustain our efforts over time and to allow the development of new projects, your support is essential!

Hirondelle USA

If you are an American citizen or a US-based organization, and would like to support our action and participate in the reflection in the US on the role of information and journalism in societies, make a donation to "Hirondelle USA" (501 (c) 3 registered). This organization was created in 2008 by American individuals to support the work of Fondation Hirondelle. Hirondelle USA works closely with NGOs and donors in the United States.

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