Rural migration to urban centres and to gold mining areas is increasingly common for women and girls on the African continent. Over the last 10 years, local studies reveal that 50% of women have had the experience and 80% are ready to try the adventure in Mali. What are the reasons for this? What are the impacts for women? A special program of Studio Tamani’s „Grand Dialogue“, organized in the southwest of the country.
The guests of this talk-show are :
– Awa Magassouba, gold digger in Kangaba;
– Alidji Bagna Touré, First Deputy Prefect of Kangaba;
– Abdoulaye Berthé, Gold panner – in charge at the Balandougou gold panning site;
– Mrs Bagayogo Sanaba Keïta, President of the Rural Women’s Association of Kangaba.
This special „Grand Dialogue“, Studio Tamani’s daily debate programme, was held on 14 January in the town of Kangaba, not far from the Guinean border. It was part of Studio Tamani’s „Women’s Rights“ project in partnership with IMRAP with the financial support of the European Union. Studio Tamani is the radio programme created and implemented by Fondation Hirondelle in Mali since 2013, in partnership with URTEL (Union des Radios et Télévisions Libres du Mali).
Listen to the entire programme here :