Innocent Bulambembe, coordinator of the Fondation Hirondelle’s radio partners in the DRC, provided training for the directors of the Studio Hirondelle’s radio partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 25 February to 1 March.
As part of the Citizen Media for Public Life (MCVP) project, Innocent Bulambembe of Studio Hirondelle-DRC facilitated a training session entitled „Media Management“ from February 25 to March 1, 2019 in Kinshasaune. 11 directors of Studio Hirondelle’s media partners attended this session. They came from 6 different provinces of the DRC (Kinshasa, Kongo Central, Equateur, Maï Ndombe, Kwango and Tshuapa).
The objective was to strengthen the capacities of the managers (directors and department heads) of the Studio’s media partners in terms of management and marketing to ensure their economic viability.