Call for applications for Malagasy radios to partner with Radio Sifaka

Malagasy people celebrating their national football team's return to Antananarivo after their first qualification to the African Cup of nations (ACN) on 13 of July 2019

Fondation Hirondelle is currently working on the creation of Radio Sifaka, a radio station dedicated to youth in Madagascar. This project is stem from the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund as part of the Youth and Gender Equality Initiative lead by the United Nation Development Program (UNDP), UNICEF and the Office of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (OHCHR). as part of this project, a call for applications is open to Malagasy radio stations interested in broacasting Radio Sifaka’s upcoming programmes.

Radio Sifaka’s programmes will start broadcasting in the last quarter of 2019 throughout its radio station partners. Radio Sifaka will offer information, debate and magazine programmes for Malagasy youth. The aim of this project is to give a voice to the younger Malagasy generations and enable them to dialogue and make their voices heard peacefully, in order to contribute to development and peacebuilding efforts in the country.

These programmes will be broadcast by a network of local radio stations throughout Madagascar and in FM in a second phase. In a first phase, 15 radio stations will be selected according to motivation, geographical, technical, ethical and professional criteria.

Radio stations wishing to be part of this network will receive technical and financial support to ensure the reception and broadcasting of Radio Sifaka’s programmes. They will also benefit from an adapted training plan for the staff who will participate in the production of Radio Sifaka’s programmes. Above all, they will have the opportunity to offer their listeners national news bulletins, interactive debates and magazines produced by a team of Malagasy youth professionals.

To join this network, applicants are encouraged to apply by completing the following form. Candidate radio stations must in particular commit to:

– broadcast daily the 2-hour programmes produced by Radio Sifaka

– involve some of their agents in training courses organized by the Fondation Hirondelle

– participate in certain programmes produced by Radio Sifaka and in the provision of information

– share the ethical principles and professional values defended by Radio Sifaka and Fondation Hirondelle through their project, in particular: ban all forms of discrimination and hate speech in programmes produced and broadcast, refuse all forms of political, ethnic or religious propaganda

All applications must be submitted by September 29, 2019 at the latest (file format: Word or PDF ) by email to our Project manager, jean Eugène Injerona

Radio Sifaka’s application announcement attached (French only)