Claude Guibal – Woman & Journalism

Journalism, which for a long time was a male profession, has been feminised over the last two decades… and is becoming more and more precarious. Equality has not yet been achieved, but women have major advantages in this profession. Claude Guibal, a top reporter at Radio France, explains why.

Claude Guibal graduated from the Lille Higher School of Journalism in 1996 and became a correspondent in Egypt in 1997. Until 2012, she was the Cairo correspondent for Libération, L’Obs and all the Radio France stations. Since Cairo, the journalist has carried out numerous reports throughout the Near and Middle East and Africa to become an expert on the Middle East and issues related to radical Islam.

She has covered the Arab Spring, particularly in Egypt and Syria, and regularly reports from the war zone.

Returning to France in 2012, she has since been a senior reporter at Radio France, first at France Culture, where she headed the international service until 2015, then at France Inter, in the foreign service.

In 2011 Claude Guibal received the Diplomatic Press Prize for her coverage of the Arab Spring and in July 2020 the prestigious Christophe de Ponfilly Prize, awarded by the SCAM, which salutes the moral sense and tenacity of great journalists.

Claude Guibal is the 2016 author of “Islamistan” (Stock) devoted to the different faces of radicalism in Islam.