Covid-19 in Madagascar: Studio Sifaka’s young journalists on the frontline of news

Journalist from Studio Sifaka reporting in the streets of the Malagasy Capital, Antananarivo.

Studio Sifaka, a radio programme created in December 2019 in Madagascar by the United Nations in partnership with Fondation Hirondelle, offers daily programmes broadcast by a network of partner radio stations to meet the information needs of young Malagasy people. Since March, Studio Sifaka has been playing an informational and preventive role in the response to the Covid-19 health crisis in the country.

Every day, via infographics, videos and fact-checking, the young journalists of Studio Sifaka, trained and supported by Fondation Hirondelle, accompany the programme’s listeners by explaining what the new Coronavirus is and by providing answers or clarifications to their questions. In addition to the awareness spots and news bulletins that provide daily information on the pandemic, Studio Sifaka produces a daily “deciphering” programme, which asks a question related to Covid-19 and then gives a simple and clear answer in less than 1 minute. These productions are carried out by a team of a dozen Malagasy journalists, who have been teleworking for 5 months now.

Photo contest

In addition to these productions and the information work carried out by the editorial staff, activities to raise awareness among young people, in particular via social networks, have also been organized. For instance, from 8 to 22 May, Studio Sifaka organized its first online photo competition: “confined”. This event invited young people to document their experience of confinement through original photos. The Malagasy youth showed their creativity. The objective was to see how each person presented their vision of confinement through a positive, humorous and creative spectrum, in the context of the health crisis. The contest also helped to increase Studio Sifaka’s notoriety on its Facebook page and website.

You can find here all of Studio Sifaka’s productions on the Covid-19 crisis in Madagascar (in French and Malagasy).