Launching of Studio Sifaka, a new radio program for Youth in Madagascar

Journalists from the Studio Sifaka team in Antananarivo, Madagascar's capital.

The broadcasting of Studio Sifaka’s radio program started on the airwaves of 6 Malagasy radio stations accross Madagascar on Wednesday, December 11, 2019. Studio Sifaka is a radio programme supported by the United Nations in Madagascar, funded by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund and implemented by Fondation Hirondelle.

 “FEON’NY TANORA MAROLOKO” (“All Colours / Diversity of Youth”). This is Studio Sifaka’s slogan, to express its aim: to give a voice to the young Malagasy generations, in all their diversity, and to allow them to dialogue and being heard peacefully. A media and journalistic contribution, by and for young people, to the development and peacebuilding efforts in the country. The creation of Studio Sifaka is part of the “Sifaka Project: Charting the Path to Peace through the Voices of Youth”, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Studio Sifaka offers two hours of daily radio in Malagasy and French. Debates, culture, employment, health, education and sport are treated in a professional, factual, precise, but also attractive and lively way by a team of young journalists, anchors and technicians trained and supervised by Fondation Hirondelle. Useful and understandable newsletters are available every half hour.

These programmes are broadcast, in the first phase, by six local radio stations in six regions of Madagascar: Atsimo Andrefana with Radio FIVE (FM 93.4) from Morombe; Androy with Radio CACTUS (FM 91) from Ambovombe; Analamanga with Radio Tana (FM 94.4); Vakinankaratra with Radio RTA Antsirabe (FM 102); Boeny with RTA Majunga (FM 103) and Atsinanana with RTA Tamatave (FM 102). Two hours of programming are provided to these partner radios from Monday to Sunday. At the same time, they will receive technical and financial support to ensure the reception and broadcasting of Studio Sifaka’s programmes. These Radios will also benefit from an adapted training plan for the staff who will participate in the production of Radio Sifaka’s programmes.

This project is being implemented with the support and partnership of the following Ministries: Communication and Culture; Youth and Sports; Interior and Decentralization; Population, Social Protection and Advancement of Women; National Education and Technical and Vocational Education. It is also implemented in collaboration with organizations and associations bringing together young people including the NGO Youth First, the Young Reporters Clubs and Scouts.

About the stakeholders:
– The Peacebuilding Fund is the Organization’s primary financial instrument for maintaining peace in countries or situations where violent conflict is likely to occur or is already occurring. The Fund may invest in United Nations entities, Governments, regional organizations, multilateral banks, national multi-donor trust funds and civil society organizations. From 2006 to 2017, it allocated $772 million to 41 beneficiary countries. The Fund, which covers all the pillars around which the work of the United Nations is organized, supports the integrated responses of the United Nations system, with the objective of filling gaps in critical areas, seizing political opportunities quickly and skilfully, and stimulating peace processes and mobilizing resources with the right risk margin.

– UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build crisis-resistant nations and to stimulate and sustain growth that improves the quality of life for all. Present on the ground in nearly 170 countries and territories, we offer a global perspective and local expertise to help empower people and build resilient nations.

– For 70 years, UNICEF has been working to improve the lives of children and their families. Despite the considerable challenges around the world, UNICEF teams are fighting for the respect of children’s rights to safe shelter, food, protection from disasters and conflict and equality. UNICEF collaborates with leading international experts to encourage the implementation of effective actions for children. UNICEF bases its work on five core values: caring, respect, integrity, trust and accountability. Learn more about our culture.

– The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is the main United Nations human rights entity. The General Assembly gives the High Commissioner and the Office of the High Commissioner the unique mandate to promote and protect all human rights. The United Nations Human Rights Programme aims to ensure that the protection and exercise of human rights is a reality for all. OHCHR also plays a crucial role in safeguarding the integrity of the three interconnected pillars of the United Nations: peace and security, human rights and development.

– Fondation Hirondelle is a Swiss non-profit organization created in 1995, which provides information to populations faced with crises, to empower them in their daily lives and as citizens.