On September 30, a debate, organized by Studio Hirondelle-RDC raised many questions about the place of women in politics.
The theme of the discussion was “Women and elections: I am a candidate, I want to manage my community” and was held on 30 September in Kindu, in the east of the country. Three guests moderated the debate, including Getrude Kitembo, President of the Maniema Provincial Assembly, Jacques Misako, a specialist in local governance and Keren Laini, coordinator of the Association of women jurists in Congo.
The three experts answered questions from the public who came in large numbers to attend the live broadcast. More than 400 women and men (almost equally) participated in this exchange, whoseobjectives were to change the perception of women committed to their community and to encourage women to pursue careers in politics.
Hirondelle Débats ‘s podcast is available here (French / Swahili)