Geneva Peace-Cast, our new audio series on peacebuilding

Geneva Peace-Cast is a new series highlighting solutions emerging from Geneva Peace Week, produced by Interpeace and Fondation Hirondelle. This podcast is launched on the occasion of Geneva Peace Week’s 2021 edition, happening live at Maison de la Paix and online from November 1 to Nov.5. 

Partners since 2017, Interpeace and Fondation Hirondelle put dialogue and trust at the core of building sustainable peace in fragile settings. Through inclusive dialogue processes at all levels and trusted media and communication spaces, both organizations aim to strengthen the ties between citizens with each other and with their state authorities, thus strengthening the overall social contract.

In a global context deeply affected by the COVID-19 crisis, peacebuilding efforts are further challenged by false information, rumors, lack of cooperation and weak leadership. These new challenges need new ideas and innovative discussions between all actors operating in conflict-affected contexts but also in developed countries.

The Geneva Peace-Cast is a collaboration between Interpeace and Fondation Hirondelle, in coordination with Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, on the production of a podcast series during the 2021 Geneva Peace Week to amplify the discussions happening throughout Geneva Peace Week.

A total of 10 episodes have been produced for this first edition of Geneva Peace-Cast. Each episode covers a topic discussed during Geneva Peace Week 2021, such as “Digital Rights in Africa”, “COVID and Violence in the Digital World”, “Adressing Trauma for Peacebuilding”, or “Protecting Online Spaces for Democracy”. These topics are discussed with guest speakers at the Geneva Peace Week, including peacebuilders, researchers, diplomats, journalists, from all continents. All 10 episodes can be listened-to and downloaded on Spotify, Soundcloud, and on the websites of the Geneva Peace Week, Interpeace and Fondation Hirondelle.