The BBC is regarded as the world’s most trusted public service media. For 15 years, it has been dedicated to strengthening media around the world through BBC Media Action. James Deane, one of its directors, explains how.
James Deane has spent most of his career focused on the role of media and access to information in developing areas: some 20 years initially with the Panos Institute, of which he will become the executive director.
For this organisation, a pioneer of its kind at the time, the issues were no longer only those of the 1980s (desertification, climate change, deforestation) but also the profoundly serious threat, at the time, of AIDS.
Drawing on this experience, James Deane joined BBC Media Action in 2007 and in a way extends his work at Panos for the British public service broadcaster as Director of Policy and Learning. His job is to monitor and develop the research sector for the development of BBC Media Action’s operations, to capitalise on the experience gained, share it and ensure that it is useful, effective and in line with BBC Media Action’s values.
BBC Media Action is now present in some 30 countries and its programmes are estimated to reach around 200 million people.
James Deane holds a Master’s degree in International Development from City University.