In the anarchy of online information, getting informed means navigating in a world without a map or a compass. To avoid the worst – disinformation and the lack of diversity of viewpoints that create self-centredness or information bubbles – it is better to understand the mechanics of the production of information.
This is the whole point of these masterclasses designed by Fondation Hirondelle and conducted by its Editorial Manager, Michel Beuret. These videos cover around thirty topics with as many specialists in their fields: reporting, the production of information, media economics, “fake news” (how to foil them?), working with sources, the rights and duties of the journalist, the future of the press, etc… In total, 300 questions divided into 30 capsules of 12 to 18 minutes each – i. e. more than 6 hours of filmed and subtitled interviews (ENG/FR) available to journalists in training but also to anyone interested in these issues.
This initiative is part of an increasingly recognised trend: media literacy. The need to learn, as a media consumer, how this sector works and what the professional rules are.
Indeed, can a democracy survive if the citizens who comprise it are misinformed? If, under widespread suspicion, certain facts themselves are no longer unanimously accepted? This is the danger facing our societies in the age of social networks, of free and fragmented sources. The confusion between professional information and the tsunami of sockpuppets in the media (opinion blogs, political communication, advertisements, “citizen journalism”) is causing a loss of reference points. Some people no longer trust the so-called “traditional” media, distrust journalists, no longer wish to or no longer know how to get information. The resulting effects feed populism and the past teaches us that it can kill democracy.
In order to evolve with serenity, a society must debate and have forums for dialogue. It must also agree – beyond opinions – on the facts themselves. There is a close link between a democracy and credible media, employing trained, sometimes specialised, journalists who abide by a code of ethics and professional conduct.
The vaccine against digital demagogy, the contagion of malicious information and misinformation is everyone’s individual responsibility for finding their way in this new space. These interviews offer you some thoughts, as wide-ranging as possible, on the profession of informing in a world in crisis.
The videos were produced with the support of the Loterie Romande and the Nicolas Puech Foundation, whom we thank for their precious support.