Max Morel – Information in the humanitarian sphere

Information in the humanitarian sphere can save lives. NGOs demand accurate information at the same time and are sources of information for the population, and sometimes for journalists,” explains Max Morel, former director of Médecins du Monde – Switzerland.

Max Morel has been Director of Operations of Fondation Hirondelle since February 2018. He has extensive experience in the humanitarian sector, on the ground as well as at the headquarters of non-governmental organisations. From 2007 to 2018, he held several positions for Médecins du Monde, in charge of evaluating programmes in West Africa, supervising activities in Eastern Europe, setting up Médecins du Monde in the USA, and then for 5 years as Executive Director of Médecins du Monde – Switzerland. Previously, Max Morel had worked for Médecins sans Frontières as programme coordinator in several countries in Asia and Africa.

Max Morel holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from the IEP in Paris and a Bachelor’s degree in International and Religious Affairs from the University of Colorado.