During electoral periods, journalists are more exposed and must take extra care to present accurate, complete and balanced information.
During electoral periods, journalists are more exposed and must take extra care to present accurate, complete and balanced information.

Fondation Hirondelle has developed a rigorous and efficient approach to electoral coverage based on more than 30 years of media experience in fragile situations. To reach the widest possible audience, we produce and broadcast dedicated programmes in diverse media formats: election news; civic-education spots; current-affairs shows presenting the candidates and their programmes; debates with speaking time for political parties, civil society representatives and the population; and interactive social media discussions.
Our media coverage is guided by a briefing paper that we develop for the journalists and media with whom we work. We share this document with political parties, institutions and civil society organisations involved in electoral processes. It aims to ensure independent, professional and balanced election coverage.
Democracy consists of much more than elections. While these are certainly a test of democratic conditions, the exchanges of ideas and opinions that take the spotlight at election time are shaped over the course of political mandates. This is why we aim for our media to provide people with reliable and broad-based news that enables them to take action in their daily lives as citizens. Content is produced in an inclusive manner so as to represent the whole of society.
Media coverage is produced by local journalists who we train and assist according to need. Programmes are broadcast by partner media and/or by our established field media outlets.

Democratic Republic of Congo
Studio Hirondelle DRC addresses the issues following in the wake of electoral and democratic processes through debates and round tables that give a voice to local representatives, civil society and the population. Since 2023, the studio has been offering digital content on TikTok and Instagram to reach younger audiences. Media education programmes are produced to help people take a critical approach to different news sources. The editorial team also offers fact-checking content to tackle fake news linked to public policies and governance.

Since 2020, Fondation Hirondelle has been implementing the media component of the PACT programme (Active Participation of Tunisian Citizens) in consortium with the Danish organisation NIRAS. The project aims to expand the civic space and foster dialogue between authorities and individuals, particularly the most vulnerable, in order to achieve real co-construction of public action in the High Steppes region. Fondation Hirondelle worked on a 2011 project in the country, assisting journalists from Radio Public Tunisienne to cover the elections and democratic process following the change of regime.
Learn more about the project
Read the July 2023 issue of Mediation: “Media and Democracy”