Studio Tamani’s audio programmes can be listened to by phone in Mali since April 2019. A partnership with Viamo has made them accessible via a toll-free number from the mobile phone operator Orange. Big success after a few weeks: more than 2 million calls received in June!
Studio Tamani is Fondation Hirondelle’s news programme in Mali. It was created in 2013 with URTEL (Union des Radios et Télévisions Libres du Mali). It is daily broadcast by 70 radio stations throughout the country. Here are its productions available on the phone service: news bulletins in 5 languages, magazines, and new programmes by and for young people. According to statistical reports provided by Viamo, these programs have already reached a wide audience via this new telephone number in all regions of the country.
The total number of calls for Studio Tamani programmes in June reached 2,132,829, from 227,923 unique users. 85% of the calls concern Studio Tamani’s news bulletins. The most popular language is Bambara at 64%, followed by Peulh at 24% and Tamasheq at 5%. About 43% of callers are between 18 and 34 years old. The origin of calls is spread over the country’s main regions and localities, including top cities of Mopti, Sikasso and Segou.
Thanks to the implementation of this telephone service, Studio Tamani’s news and productions are now accessible via all main available medias to the population in Mali, including FM radio, television (video recordings of the “Grand Dialogue”, the daily debate show, are daily broadcast on two TV channels in Bamako), Internet, social networks, WhatsApp, telephone. According to an audience study carried out at the end of 2017 by the IMMAR Institute in 6 cities in Mali, 32% of Malians aged 15 and over listen to Studio Tamani on FM.