Ms. Zouera Nounou Hamidou, Director of Radio Scout in Niger, explains her partnership with Studio Kalangou, Fondation Hirondelle’s radio program in this country. She especially underlines the impact of the program for the women listeners.
“We broadcast Studio Kalangou programmes. This includes the news in all languages. They also have a forum which hosts debates, that many of our presenters really like. They often discuss education. They also speak about women and their inclusion in political parties. Many women enjoy these debates and are inspired by them. We do not, ourselves, make the news. However, Studio Kalangou programmes bring the news to life and this encourages people to listen to the radio more often. That is how they become informed. In addition, those listening to the news which is broadcast to them by Studio Kalangou know it is correct and based on reality.”
Watch the video of this interview below :