Understanding through information and dialogue
Fondation Hirondelle works in fragile situations to produce and broadcast news and discussion programmes that enable people to better understand their environment and act accordingly. We have been working in particularly difficult contexts for more than 30 years, whether in war or post-conflict situations, humanitarian crises or countries in democratic transition. This is the core of our mission and the primary focus of our projects.
In such situations, access to fact-based, fact-checked, impartial news is sometimes of vital importance to people who need to know exactly what is happening around them. Their lives, or the lives of their loved ones, may be in danger. They need information about what they can do to solve the problems they face, or participate in the development of their town, region or country. Through responsible and rigorous journalism, we enable the production and broadcast of this information: sometimes a matter of life and death, and at all times vital for building more peaceful societies.
Giving individuals the chance to speak with other segments of society; to listen to the viewpoint, problems and needs of the other party; or to address policy-makers, civil-society organisations and economic actors, also enables them to feel heard and respected, rebuilding confidence in the possibility of consensual and peaceful solutions to the causes of crisis. Our discussion programmes and events are often broadcast live and locally to the people concerned.
In order to reach a wide audience, we work with a range of media formats for live and recorded broadcasts, creating a flexible approach that reflects people’s news consumption habits: radio, social media and websites, TV, and mobile phones (WhatsApp, toll-free numbers, etc.).
News production
- Fact-based and balanced treatment of the news
- Monitoring of mis- and disinformation on- and offline, production of fact checks and media education programmes
- News with a social objective that favours societal development
- Co-productions bringing together journalists from diverse backgrounds around subjects of common interest such as climate change, migration and security
- Current affairs programmes on specific subjects including women, culture, justice, and employment
- Practical information and public service announcements, particularly in humanitarian and public health emergencies
Discussion programmes
- Programmes that foster dialogue between parties in conflict situations
- Interactive public debates
- Political debates during and between elections
- Programmes spotlighting social diversity
- Coverage of sensitive social issues
Creation of production structures and broadcast networks
- Creation of audiovisual media in crisis areas, mid- or post-conflict
- Installation of technical equipment for FM, VSAT, TV, web and social media broadcasting
- Creation of local media networks for shared broadcast of productions
Awareness-raising campaigns
- Partnerships with civil society actors, NGOs and public service organisations
- Production of spots, sketches, radio news programmes and videos on subjects of general and public interest
- Social media campaigns
Our team