
Alongside projects that are rooted in a geographical location, Fondation Hirondelle develops editorial projects to address global topics with local consequences.

In this category, coverage of justice initiatives in countries affected by extreme violence is given top priority thanks to the multilingual news website Justice Info. Following closely are the environment and climate change, peace and security, and health and education. Through this strategy, we have developed the ability to respond to people’s information needs during pandemics, such as the Ebola crisis in West Africa or the Coronavirus. Fondation Hirondelle develops and supports transnational media initiatives, fostering regional co-productions such as those created in the Sahel on topics common throughout the region, such as migration.

Good health and well-being
In order to tackle the coronavirus crisis and help the media and public against the infodemia that developed from 2020 to 2022, Fondation Hirondelle worked in 17 countries through its Covid 19 editorial hub.
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Gender equality
Human Rights
In 2017, two experts commissioned by Fondation Hirondelle led a training workshop in Karachi, Pakistan, for 4 Pakistani and 4 Afghan filmmakers. Each participant produced a documentary on the theme of human rights and peacebuilding.
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Reduced Inequalities
Young people
The Afrik Activ´ project was launched at the end of 2017 by Fondation Hirondelle in Abidjan – Côte d’Ivoire, as part of the Land of African Business. Aimed at young people and women, this free program provided them with information, advice and contacts to make it easier for them to set up their own business.
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Climate Action
Fondation Hirondelle has been present at the COP (Conference of the Parties on Climate) for many years (first attendance in 2015), marking its ongoing commitment to environmental issues.
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Peace, justice and effective institutions
Peace, justice and effective institutions
Covering justice initiatives in countries facing serious violence. Ensuring access to justice for all, addressing violence among vulnerable populations.
Sustainable Development Goals