The threat of violent extremism in the Sahel is the overriding concern of the population, authorities, partners, humanitarian actors and the media. In 2022, Fondation Hirondelle and the violent extremism prevention programme of the Peace and Human Rights Division of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAE) jointly developed a pilot project to support West African media in fulfilling their role as information providers and actors for peace in this violent environment and the various conflicts that develop within it. The DFAE funded the 18-month project.
A team of 25 journalists working in 7 of the region’s countries (Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Togo and Benin) were selected to take part in the project. Four week-long training sessions were held in Ouagadougou from November 2022 to December 2023. Journalists were provided with training on key issues around peace, including the importance of prevention, inclusion and dialogue. Other media points were also addressed, such as journalistic formats and associated risks; security for the media and journalists; and the prevention of and approach to trauma.
In the periods between training sessions, participants were provided with coaching to apply the knowledge they had acquired through the training to the production of media content. Several productions resulting from this project received awards or had a significant local impact. Participants were also provided with equipment. To ensure the sustainability of the network created within the training group and to participate in sharing the knowledge they had acquired, the group decided to form an association. Réseau Ouest-Africain de Journalistes Engagé·e·s pour la Paix (ROAJEP) is now a registered association in Ouagadougou. It aims to assist in the creation of co-productions between its media members, and to set up training sessions in local training centres.
Learn more about the productions created during the project:

Participant locations (in alphabetical order): Abala, Bamako, Bobo-Dioulasso, Conakry, Cotonou, Diffa, Fada-Ngourma, Gaya, Kadiolo, Kara, Kouandé, Lomé, Mamou, Maradi, Ménaka, Mopti, Niamey, Odienné, Ouagadougou, Ouahigouya, Parakou, Porto-Novo, Ségou
Project term: 18 month
- Switzerland