Studio Tamani in Bandiagara: proximity, even in crises

From left to right: Paul Togo (civil society), Bréhima Ouologuem (representative of traditional chiefs), Mouhamadou Touré (moderator of the debate and editor-in-chief of Studio Tamani), N'dindé Ongoïba (president of the cercle) and Amadou Lougué (president of the youth council).

Studio Tamani, our media in Mali, went to Bandiagara in Dogon country in the centre of the country to record five”Grand Dialogue” programmes. This was an opportunity to discuss the security situation and to underline the importance of talking about these situations with local actors in the media.

There are no conflicts between the communities of Bandiagara. There are, of course, some young Peuhl and Dogon who are involved in banditry and terrorise the population. But this does not mean that there is an inter-community conflict here”. This statement was made by the guests of Studio Tamani’s Grand Dialogue in Bandiagara. They are unanimous on this subject, and try to answer the questions: What are the causes of insecurity in Bandiagara? How does the population deal with this insecurity?

In addition to the theme of the programme, which was also recorded in Bambara, the speakers were keen to thank the journalists and technicians who had come to give them their microphone. “In the name of the Dogon, we would like to welcome you and thank you for the opportunity to talk to you about security in Bandiagara” said Brehima Ouologuem, representative of the region’s traditional chiefs, at the start of the programme. He then paid tribute to the victims of the conflicts that are tearing the region apart.

Before getting into the debate, I wanted to thank Studio Tamani for having shed light on the difficulties experienced by the people of Bandiagara and the surrounding area as far as Dialassagou. You are one of the first (editor’s note: media) to do this. Bandiagara is suffering. (…) Today, it is you who are showing the world our suffering and our wounds. And it is not possible to suffer more than that (…) I thank you for coming to show the world what is happening in our region“, said Paul Togo, representing the civil society of Bandiagara.

Nùdindé Ongoïba, the president of the Bandiagara cercle council, also thanked the Studio Tamani representatives for having “returned to Dogon country to talk about this theme. (…) Your arrival is a good thing and I think that with this, the government will take care of our concerns “.

Before you came, Adama Djiguiba (editor’s note: a local correspondent of Studio Tamani), came to consult us at every moment, to take our points of view in relation to what we are experiencing, and Studio Tamani was in charge of the broadcast. Thank you for taking into account the opinion of the civilian population, a victim of this insecurity ” added Amadou Lougué, president of the local youth council.

After this preamble, which highlights the central and primordial role that the media, and especially radio, can play in crisis situations, the issue of insecurity in this region of central Mali was discussed during the rest of the Grand Dialogue.

You can listen to and watch the programme here:

The show in video:

The podcast of the show:

Also available in Bambara: