Fondation Hirondelle      +41 21 654 20 20

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Support us!

You will be supporting our media contribution to peace-building, based on 30 years' experience in conflict and post-conflict situations. Together, we can make a difference and build a more just and equitable world. Make a donation now and join us in this mission for peace and human dignity.


Use of donations
ZEWOFondation Hirondelle is ZEWO-certified ( Fondation ZEWO is the body responsible for certifying non-profit organisations of public interest that collect donations in Switzerland. It guarantees trust and transparency with regard to donations.

As a matter of principle, Fondation Hirondelle is entitled to use donations freely within the framework of the foundation's objectives (donations not earmarked for a specific purpose). By making a donation to Fondation Hirondelle, you are supporting all of our projects. This is essential if we are to be able to adapt our funding in the event of a crisis while ensuring the long-term continuity of our projects. If you make a donation on the website via a sub-site where a specific donation purpose is indicated (for example a project, a programme or a humanitarian emergency), or respond to a specific donation appeal letter, Fondation Hirondelle will use the donation as described on this sub-site or letter (donations earmarked for a purpose).

Your generosity enables us to provide impartial and reliable information to people facing crises, so that they can take action in their daily lives and as citizens. Every franc counts and advances our mission.


Your donation is tax deductible in Switzerland and abroad (subject to the legal provisions in force in your place of residence, and the indications for France and the USA).


Personal data
In accordance with the legal provisions on data protection, any personal data submitted will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected or as required by law. Click here for more information on our data protection policy.


Fondation de France

If you are a French taxpayer, you can make a tax-deductible donation through the Fondation de France which recognises the Fondation Hirondelle as a beneficiary. Simply select "Switzerland" then "Fondation Hirondelle".Thank you for your support!


Hirondelle USA

If you are an American citizen or an organisation based in the USA, and if you would like to support our work and take part in the debate in the USA on the role of information and journalism in society, please make a donation to ‘Hirondelle USA’ (501(c)3 registered). This organisation was set up in 2008 by a number of prominent Americans to support the work of the Fondation Hirondelle. Hirondelle USA works closely with NGOs and donors based in the United States.

For more information: