Thierry Cruvellier – Judicial Reporting

The judicial chronicle, which reports to the public on the activities of the judiciary, is a genre that is essential to democratic life but is also demanding,” explains Thierry Cruvellier, who has covered the major international criminal trials for 25 years.

Editor-in-chief since 2018 of, a media created by Fondation Hirondelle, the only one today entirely devoted to international and transitional criminal justice, Thierry Cruvellier has covered trials for crimes against humanity and genocide, from Rwanda to Sierra Leone, from the former Yugoslavia to Cambodia or Senegal. Between 1990 and 1996, the journalist regularly covered the war in Sierra Leone. In 1994-1995, he was also the representative of Reporters Without Borders in the Great Lakes region (Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Uganda), the chief editor of the online newspaper International Justice Tribune and a contributor to the New York Times.

Thierry Cruvellier holds a master’s degree in journalism from the Sorbonne University (Paris). In 2003, he was awarded the prestigious Nieman Foundation Journalism Fellowship at Harvard University. A former consultant to the non-governmental organisations International Crisis Group (ICG) and International Center for Transitional Justice, he has conducted numerous training programmes for journalists on covering trials for crimes against humanity (Sierra Leone, Tunisia, Côte d’Ivoire, Haiti, Turkey, Croatia, Cambodia). He teaches regularly at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States.

Thierry Cruvellier is also the author of three books: “Le Tribunal des vaincus” (Calmann-Lévy, 2006), on the genocide trials in Rwanda, “Le Maître des aveux” (Gallimard, 2011), on the Khmer Rouge trials in Cambodia, and “Terre promise” (Gallimard, 2018), an account of the extraordinary endurance of the people of Sierra Leone over the past forty years.