Who we are

Fondation Hirondelle is a Swiss non-profit organization working to ensure that people facing crises have access to reliable, local, independent information. It has been supporting local media and journalists in fragile contexts for over 30 years (since 1995). With a global remit and local roots, it creates spaces for dialogue, to strengthen social cohesion in fragmented societies.

Fondation Hirondelle programmes are highly trusted by their audiences, who applaud their use of local languages and their journalistic rigour. Regular audience research surveys help us to evaluate our impact. As of 2024, Fondation Hirondelle teams are active in 11 countries and on three continents. They support more than 400 local media and comprise more than 2,000 journalists, technicians and media managers. The organisation’s programmes in five West and Central African countries reach 10 million regular listeners.

Based in Lausanne, Switzerland, Fondation Hirondelle employs around 300 people, of whom 90% work in the field.

Our vision

Independent, credible, inclusive and non-partisan information helps to resolve crises and build more peaceful societies. Rigorous journalism and service to the public thus contribute to achieving Goal 16 of the 2030 Agenda for ‘peace, justice and effective institutions’. Access to this type of information, which is recognised as a universal right (Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), enables:

  • People to make informed decisions based on their understanding of the issues at stake;
  • Restore trust between the various components of society;
  • Combat misunderstandings and preconceived ideas that encourage conflict;
  • Give a voice to minorities and marginalised communities;
  • Encourage dialogue processes;
  • Contribute to the economic and social development of societies.

OUR approAch

Fondation Hirondelle practices and defends rigorous and responsible journalism in conflict, post-conflict, humanitarian crisis and democratic transition contexts. In these multi-crisis contexts, local media sectors are themselves weakened by political pressure, unviable economic models, the transition to digital technology and the effects of disinformation.  Our news gives the public a better understanding of the context in which they live and the problems they face. Our information covers current events in the countries and regions in which we operate, but not only that. We also use action journalism to cover the major changes that are sweeping through and connecting our societies.

Our dialogue programmes bring together the various political and social components of the societies in which we operate. They encourage the active participation of local populations in the development of shared, local solutions.

our values


Guaranty absolute impartiality in the face of political and economic powers, to ensure the credibility of our information among the beneficiary populations.


Enabling all points of view to be expressed and shared solutions to emerge. Make the voices of minorities heard.


Being as close as possible to the needs of local populations and producing in local languages. Working with local partners and enabling them to strengthen their skills.


To take account of the needs of local populations in the production of news programmes by improving our activities in the light of objective information.

THE Timeline