Fondation Hirondelle practices and supports rigorous and responsible journalism in conflict and post-conflict situations, humanitarian crises and countries in democratic transition. Our intervention in fragile situations requires us to work closely with extremely vulnerable people. We have a moral obligation to carry out our activities with the greatest respect for our co-workers, local people and the partners with whom we work.
Condemnation of all forms of sexual abuse and exploitation
We wish to establish and maintain a work environment that prevents sexual abuse and exploitation, and we are committed to consistently communicating and raising awareness in order to prevent the development of a culture of complacency and impunity.
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of sexual abuse and/or exploitation carried out by a member of our staff or any agent acting in our name, whether towards our employees, beneficiaries, our partners’ employees, members of the communities in which we work, or any other vulnerable person.
In particular, we consider it strictly prohibited to solicit sexual favours in exchange for money, a job, goods, services or any other form of assistance.
Theft, fraud and corruption
We are strongly committed to preventing, detecting, investigating and responding to any form of theft, fraud or corruption (active or passive), and explicitly express our zero-tolerance policy towards all such reprehensible acts.
Fondation Hirondelle is engaged in a constant effort to respect principles and establish operational processes in line with the highest standards of governance. These principles aim to ensure the proper management of public and private donor resources, and to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of actions benefiting the people affected by Fondation Hirondelle projects. Fondation Hirondelle expects its staff, suppliers and implementation partners to adhere to the highest moral and ethical standards, to respect local laws and to avoid any form of corruption, including extortion, fraud, and bribery.
Child welfare
We apply a zero-tolerance policy to the abuse of children and minors (-18) and are committed to the principle of shared responsibility and the obligation to report.
Anyone working with children must be particularly attentive to them. Any infringement on the rights of the child, including violations of their physical or psychological integrity or of their safety, is prohibited. The abuse, mistreatment and exploitation of children are prohibited.
Fondation Hirondelle, its staff and its partners must recognise the risks to which children are exposed, take responsibility for protecting them from abuse and exploitation, and behave professionally and with integrity at all times.
The form below allows you to safely report any incident that infringes the applicable law, Fondation Hirondelle’s code of conduct, or any of Fondation Hirondelle’s policies or regulations. The form triggers an external alert process. Your report will be received and processed by a lawyer before being confidentially sent to competent Fondation Hirondelle staff members.