Studio Kalangou launches new video productions in Niger

Studio Kalangou journalists making a mobile video teaser during the training of the Studio Kalangou team in Niamey in February 2020.

The newsroom of Studio Kalangou, the radio programme created by Fondation Hirondelle in Niger, is starting to produce videos for broadcast on social networks and by local partner television stations. Journalists and technicians received training in December and January on mobile video production, and training on video capture of radio talk-shows from 17 February to 1 March.

The latter training is intended to enable the video capture of the 45-minute daily radio debate programme “Forum”, produced in the studio. Video recording and editing equipment had previously been acquired and installed by Fondation Hirondelle. Studio Kalangou’s technicians had been trained in the use of this equipment by their colleague from Studio Tamani in Mali, where this video capture system has been in place since 2014. The training course given in February by Nathalie Minard, a television director working for the EBU (European Broadcasting Union), gave Studio Kalangou’s technicians, journalists and presenters the basic knowledge they need to produce programmes, including: the basics of filming (framing, shot values, angles, etc); the facilitation of audiovisual debates (definition of themes and angles, documentation, opening, moderation, etc); the production of teasers, etc. The course also provided an opportunity to learn how to use the equipment in a variety of situations. Several pilot programmes were produced during the training.

This workshop complemented the mobile video training provided in December 2019 and January 2020 by a trainer from, a specialist in “MOJO” (“Mobile Journalism”) training. The editorial staff of Studio Kalangou thus has the basic knowledge to start broadcasting short videos for the web and social networks, and soon the “Forum” will be broadcast by partner television stations in Niger. These productions will make it possible to reach new audiences in Niger, complementary to the radio audience.

Here are two examples of videos produced at the end of these trainings: