At the end of this year, COP28 was held in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023. Mouhamadou Touré, a journalist at Studio Tamani in Mali, covered the conference for all Fondation Hirondelle’s studios and radio stations.
The aim of COP28 was to find solutions to the consequences of climate change. The financing of adaptation to the consequences of climate change was to be discussed, with the countries of the southern hemisphere, particularly those of West and Central Africa, being the main ones concerned.
A number of commitments were made, notably the declaration on agriculture, food and climate action. However, no consensus has been reached on its implementation. There was also the declaration on health and climate and the adoption of the loss and damage fund at the start of COP28.
Finally, at the end of COP28, a formal agreement was reached to phase out fossil fuels. Nevertheless, the countries of the southern hemisphere find this agreement non-binding and more symbolic.
Discover the various programmes and articles produced by Fondation Hirondelle’s studios and radio stations during COP28 in French:
- A Dubaï la COP28 s’ouvre sur fond de critiques – Studio Tamani – 30 nov.
- Explication sur l’attente des pays africains à la COP 28 – Studio Kalangou – 30 nov.
- COP28 : l’avenir de la Planète de nouveau remis sur la table à Dubaï – Radio Ndeke Luka – 30 nov.
- COP28 : les pays vulnérables obtiennent un fonds pour les pertes et dommages climatiques – Studio Yafa – 1 dec.
- COP28 : ce qu’il faut retenir de l’ouverture – Studio Yafa – 1 dec.
- COP28 : à Dubaï, la mise en œuvre de la déclaration sur l’agriculture divise – Studio Tamani – 5 dec.
- Climat : pas de consensus sur la Déclaration sur l’agriculture à la COP28 – Studio yafa – 7 dec.
- COP28 : Gestion des paysages communaux, le projet ambitieux du Burkina – Studio yafa – 7 dec.
- COP28, les initiatives mises en avant par l’Afrique de l’Ouest et l’Afrique centrale – Studio Kalangou – 7 dec.
- COP28 et changement climatique : « (…) que toute la population a accès à l’eau potable » – Studio Yafa – 8 dec.
- COP28 : l’Afrique à la croisée des chemins entre énergies fossiles et renouvelables – Studio yafa – 12 dec.