Joint us on Monday, 30th September at FOME Symposium 2024!

We are hosting an interactive workshop on what does local participation and ownership really mean in the context of media development.

What are the realistic expectations, and how do donor perspectives align—or sometimes clash—with those of local and international practitioners? These critical questions will be at the heart of our upcoming interactive workshop.

Join Dastan Kamanzi Raphael, Executive Director of the Tanzania Media Foundation; Hanspeter Wyss, SDC’s Thematic Advisor on Governance; and Caroline Vuillemin, CEO of Fondation Hirondelle, as they delve into these issues and engage with participants in a dynamic discussion.

Hosts: Fondation Hirondelle


Dastan Kamanzi Raphael – Executive Director; Tanzania Media Foundation

Caroline Vuillemin – General Director; Fondation Hirondelle

Hanspeter Wyss – Thematic Advisor Governance (Section Peace, Governance & Equality); Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDF

Moderation: Sacha Meuter – Head of Research and Policy; Fondation Hirondelle

Format: round table discussion