Fondation Hirondelle      +41 21 654 20 20

COP 23 - Bonn



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Fondation Hirondelle’s media in Mali and the Central African Republic covered the COP23 international conference on climate change in Bonn, Germany, from November 6 to 17, 2017.

Building on the diplomatic success of the last two international summits on climate change, the main aim of the COP23 was to determine concrete mechanisms for applying the Paris accords that were signed at the COP21 in 2015. At issue also was implementing each country’s commitments on keeping global warming this century below 2° Celsius. These objectives were not totally met by the conference, unfortunately. COP23 was taking place in Bonn, Germany, and was chaired by Fiji, a Pacific island State that is one of the places most threatened by rising sea levels.

Fondation Hirondelle has set up a team of three journalists for the duration of the summit: an editor and two journalists from its media in Mali (Studio Tamani) and the Central African Republic (Radio Ndeke Luka). Each day they produced articles, videos and audio content, in French language (see an example below, more here on the French version of this page). They covered what was going on at the COP23, and offered feature programmes on the issues of adapting to climate change, which directly affect the people of West and Central Africa. These productions were broadcasted on Fondation Hirondelle media and partner radio networks in Mali and the Central African Republic, as well as on our websites and social media pages.